What is the
Executive eRoundtable?

The Healthcare Executive eRoundtable is an interactive, one-hour discussion for healthcare leaders to openly share the challenges and best practices impacting their organizations today. Discussions are always peer-led, and discussion topics are recommended by attendees and updated monthly. 

Who Should Attend
This Event?

The Healthcare Executive eRoundtables are designed for C-level and senior clinical and administrative healthcare leaders. By invitation only, a limited number of qualified attendees have the opportunity to share insights while networking with like-minded peers.

Discussion Topic

Defining the Future of Telehealth 
As the global pandemic developed, health systems made the rapid transition to a telehealth first model. This level of virtual volume will not last forever, and organizations need to find a new balance between telemedicine and in-person care. At this collaborative discussion, join hospital leaders from across the country to discuss the long-term shift in telehealth strategy, its impact on patient engagement, and the necessary changes to organizational policy.

NOTE: Space is limited and you must qualify to attend. 
Registrations from healthcare solution vendors will not be considered.
Please reach out to JJ Wooten jjf@healthcareexecutiveforums.com